What Does it Mean to be Hungry?
You know, when you think about the goals that you have. Maybe it’s a goal for a certain
revenue or a number of clients. It could be a big project that you feel deep down in your heart is supposed to happen.
Any of those things that keep you awake at night because they seem both satisfying and terrifying at the same time. That thing that you can’t help but whiteboard about, or doodle about, and write down in your journal as a goal. Those are all things we can be hungry about in business.
What Happens After You Achieve A Goal?
It doesn’t matter if you already hit your revenue goals. Whether you’re in a place where you’ve got clients. Or even if you are satisfied with your revenue up to this point, I want you guys to join me on a journey of staying hungry.
Let’s keep taking action like we are hungry. I’ll tell you what, your old goal became your comfort zone. Be mindful that now you need to break into the next level of your comfort zone and your imposter syndrome zone. Now is the time you need to push, even when all signs tell you that you’re at a place that you can stay because you achieved a goal.
How Staying Hungry Keeps You Productive
Start thinking about that book that you want to finish or that project you want to kick off.
There’s probably a funnel that you know you need to build or a course that’s just waiting for people to go enroll in it. Maybe it’s a blog that you’re supposed to write or a video that is supposed to impact lives. It’s all waiting for you.
It can be so hard to move on to the next place and say I need more. I want bigger. I was
created for something massive. Wow, that is heavy. It’s this realization that suddenly a goal is no longer enough to move us forward. It can’t be since previously the whole goal was the difference between surviving and thriving.
How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
We’ve all dealt with being stuck in a comfort zone, a place of excuses. The place of complacency. A place where we are comfortable being held down like molasses.
Somehow, you’re in that place where you’re comfortable again and that’s dangerous.
It’s like The Doldrums.
I remember that movie as a kid at the time, The Phantom Tollbooth.
They would get stuck in this place called the Doldrums and everyone moved slowly because they were held down by molasses. That is how I want you to picture your comfort zone.
If you’ve seen that movie, you know that there’s only one way to get out of the Doldrums. The only way to free yourself from the molasses of your comfort zone is to hit the gas, hard. It is big.
It takes intentional action. It means slamming down on the gas pedal and saying, “I don’t know if this is even going to work, but I know I can’t stay here.”
Don’t Waste Any More Time, Start Today
Time is literally melting away in front of us. I had this big realization and awakening inside of me. I’m like oh my gosh, I can’t let another day slip by because life is short. I literally looked at my daughter Delilah a couple of months ago and she was a baby. I looked at her this week and she’s a girl.
She doesn’t say, “remember last day?” anymore. She says, “remember yesterday?”.
It reminded me of a speech from Shonda Rimes where she’s explaining the day that she looked at her daughter and her daughter stopped calling her “honey”. She called her “mom”. I saw that the other day when I looked at Delilah, then I realized that life is going way too fast and I need to be doing big things.
The hunger inside of me is this recognition that our time is limited so we need to act with urgency. I know this is super dramatic, but there is this fire lighting in my belly, and I want you guys to feel this. I want you to experience it and recognize that it was just yesterday I was pregnant. It was just a couple months ago I had a baby and now he’s crawling across the room.
Before you know it, he’s going to be feeding himself.
Suddenly, he’s going to be a toddler and then one day he’s going to be a grown man.
Stay Hungry to Avoid Regrets
I don’t want to look at my kids and say, “I’m sorry” guys. I just got busy and couldn’t go after my dreams. I’m sorry I didn’t achieve the things that I’m telling you to go after. I want to know with all my heart that I went after everything that was just a tiny spark in my belly and I allowed it to turn into a fire that needed to be fed.
I want to know that I am meant to make a difference and so are you. Those little sparks in your bellies aren’t a coincidence. It’s a passion just waiting to be kindled. What is it inside of you that says, “I can’t stay in the doldrums another day? I can’t let the molasses of my comfort zone hold me in place.”
Yes, things are great. I’m thankful, full of gratitude and I’m amazed at how life looks today, but that’s not enough. I’m not just talking about revenue or a number of clients.
I’m talking about those things that deep down inside you’ve always known that you were meant to do. Those are not an accident, but time is slipping by when you’re stuck in the
molasses of the comfort zone.
Make Your Days More Memorable
Time slips by and it all comes down to this crazy theory that I had years ago. It essentially comes down to the hyper-convergence of the mind. What that means is our brains are essentially these beautiful big machines that are capturing data points every single day.
Think about the past week, what moments stood out to you? Was it a moment where you got a flat tire? How about a moment where you got a call or something new happened? Those are the things we think about.
What did you eat, how did you wake up, what did you do before you went to bed? Those things rarely stand out to us for one massive reason.
It is because our brains are the ultimate hyper-convergence machine. What they are doing is they’re saying I only have so much room to hold memories and data points. So, what our brains do is, it hyper converges all the data points that are the same.
Think about seasons in your life that seem to fly by. Think about working a 9-to-5 doing the
same thing every day. You almost can’t pick the days apart, right. It just feels like, wow that six months was a blur. Or that nine months felt like it flew by.
Of course it did, because your brain hyper-converged all those moments together to not waste space. Let me repeat that, those moments were just wasting space and time.
The crazy thing is hyper-convergence is something that computers do as well. It takes a series of snapshots just like our brains every single day looking for unique data points.
When there’s a whole bunch of the same snapshots the computer hyper converges them all together to save space and our brains do the same thing.
I don’t know about you guys, but the last few months have gone by way too quickly. There haven’t been enough unique days that make me say oh my gosh, I don’t ever want to forget this moment.
I need to remember this.
This is exciting.
Or this is the start of something big, which means I haven’t committed to the big challenges that I’ve been called to do.
Are you acting like you’re hungry? Hungry people are action takers. It’s time to step out of the molasses and push through your comfort zone. Hungry people are the ones that are always up for a new challenge.
My question to you today is, what is it going to take for you to be hungry enough to say, “I will not be stuck, and I refuse to carry any regrets.” Do you need help keeping your momentum going?
If you want to learn more about staying hungry and growing in your business, you can learn more here: www.cliqueforlife.com