Are you being told that lead magnets are done, they don’t convert, they won’t work for your niche, consumers are savvy to them and they are sooooooo 2019?!
Well let me share a little secret…..
NO way Jose!
To keep growing your business or even maintaining its current level you ALWAYS need to be bringing in new customers. It’s a fact of life for any business. One way to do it is too could strap a sandwich board to your chest, walk around your local shopping centre and shout FREE BURGERS with every purchase!!!
Ok I’m kidding, but you know what I mean lol!
INSTEAD – Helllloooooooo the amazingness of Social Media and your ability to offer something your customer needs for FREE!
One of the best ways to attract new customers is by offering them a product that they desperately need to help their business right then and there.
By offering them such incredible value for FREE they will be running back into your open arms begging to work with you – you get the picture right?!
If you want to bring in new eyes on what you have to offer and turn those eyes into the good green bill paying stuff then you NEED to be utilizing a LEAD MAGNET!!
The people are right tho…They don’t work;
you overthink them, focus waaaaay toooo much on all the wrong things, don’t get them finished and don’t put them out there!!
Seriously tho, if it’s not done how can you start to test if it works?
So for now we are leaving perfectionism at the door and going for DONE is better than PERFECT – ok?
Let’s jump straight into the 5 easy steps to creating a LEAD MAGNET and see how we get you from zero to hero in the lead magnet game!
Roll up, roll up with step no1:
Who the heck should be on your email list?
Now if you have been in business a while and done any sort of marketing training you might know this as your client avatar or ideal client! However you refer to this IDEAL CLIENT – this is the person who opts in easily to your lead magnet as you are absolutely filling a gap in their skills or knowledge and offering them huge VALUE.
Once introduced to you they are going to fall in love with what you have to offer, buy or purchase all your products and services and make you a millionaire! Cool!
OK not so fast hot shot but that’s how specific you need to be about who you are talking too.
You may have multiple ideal clients but WHO is the specific ideal client you are wanting to speak too with this LEAD MAGNET and why do they need it?
Step no 2 – Crafting the most perfect LEAD MAGNET!
Yes we are going to craft your LEAD MAGNET and NO we are not going to overthink this step nor freak out, lose your head and spend the next 18hrs staring at your computer wondering what on earth your ideal client wants!! Ok?
Im gonna share with you a super ninja hack that will blow your mind……
I want you to write 1 to 3 key topics that your ideal client will be interested in, might be struggling with or missing in their business and then….
I want you to head over to the fabulous and beautiful search engine known as Pinterest, type in those key words and add one of these words on the end…..
This is competitor market research at its finest!
I’ll give you an example – So my ideal client is a small retail business owner who is wanting to start crushing it with online sales but she has no idea what content to be putting out to get seen. I go to Pinterest I type in Content freebie and a whole array of ideas pop up from 30 day challenges to whole done for you content calendars!
You’re impressed right?
I know, I know, I can see you grinning at me through the computer screen saying OMG Rachel that’s a genius move! That’s why I teach this stuff right?!
Easy, simple, proven to work!
If you already have content created you can repurpose this and save you even more time!
Ok so far to recap –
you know WHO you are talking too.
You know WHAT are the gaps/holes/ problems in their business where your area of expertise can add value to them and you know WHAT kind of lead magnet you are putting in front of them.
So Rolling on with TIP no 3 – THE DESIGN
This step is the OVERTHINKERS Dream landing you in analysis paralysis quicker than you can say LEAD MAGNET so first off i want you to repeat:
Done is better than perfect
Done is better than perfect
Done is better than perfect
Done is better than perfect
Done is better than perfect
OK you get the HINT?!
Open up CANVA using a free account – choose a template that you like the colours and the design of and get to it.
Set a timer on your clock, turn off your notifications and get something down.
SIDE note: some of my ugliest funnels have been my best converting.
The founder of ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson, saw one of my funnels one day and he was absolutely perplexed.
I mean… I know my funnel was ugly, but he was like, “This converts!?”
And I said, “Yeah, it totally does.”
He said, “But to your warm audiences, right?”
I said, “Well, it converts with both warm and cold audiences.”
And he pushed again, “But you mean they’ve seen your videos…right?”
No, cold audiences convert on this funnel!!!
Even he was perplexed because well, it was a pretty hideous funnel.
The bottom line is that as you’re building out a funnel – it doesn’t have to be perfect, and sometimes the uglier or more functional they are, the better they perform. End of SIDE note.
I will give you permission AFTER you have completed ALL the steps to have your lead magnet designed by creative designer if your budget allows and you think it’s absolutely necessary BUT only once its all done!
Step no 4 is the FUNNEL. There are plenty you can choose from, I like simplicity and ease of use and it is why I chose ClickFunnels over Leadpages or Ubounce or anything else every single day. Don’t spend too long thinking about it, pick one and stick to it.
And finally STEP no 5 is the EMAIL DELIVERY SEQUENCE.
SO if you are wanting to be “perfect” you will write 5 beautiful crafted emails to go out with your funnel. But what….wait Rachel you said DONE is better than perfect!
I did! And top marks for following along!
YES DONE is BETTER so I hereby give you permission to write only 1 email if that means that you will get this darn lead magnet out there!
’m feeling soooooo kind that i’m even gonna share with you the wording of the 1 email to send so you have no excuses!
Here goes….
HEY (no name) im so excited that I get to share this with you. I hope that this supports your business (how the lead magnet will help their business) And here’s the link to access it now:
(Upload your lead magnet to dropbox or google drive and it’s that simple. When you share the link in google drive you do not copy and paste the link in the search bar! Have to click the button that says share and make sure it says anyone who has this link can view it. )
And that’s it – that’s your LEAD MAGNET completed in 5 easy steps.
Feels good right?
In the back of your mind the 2 things I want you to remember are DONE is BETTER than PERFECT and picture your ideal client being blown away by the value you are offering them for free and falling over themselves to work with you, buy your services or products.
If you would like to know more about how to build your email list, check out the List Building Party: