How to Build Your Email List by Finding Your Ideal Target Market
Dave Ramsey said: “You can get anywhere if you simply go one step at a time.”
So let’s talk about a step that everyone needs to do for their business: List Building!
Are you ready to start building your list?
If you answered yes (or even maybe), then I am here to help get you started!
Your first step is to start thinking about your dream customer or client.
Imagine them.
At this point, you might think that you need to go into a demographic deep dive as you do target market research to create an image of your dream customer.
Demographics are important, but things like age, religion, gender, occupation, etc. are not what makes up your dream customer. They are simply facts.
While demographics divide, psychographics unite. This is because psychographics transcend demographics.
What is her name?
Start to wonder what her story is, where she comes from, what she loves.
Now that you have started to sculpt out your dream customer, your next step is to dive into the psychographics to better understand her.
Think about her values, desires, dreams, beliefs, passions, fears, and hopes.
This will help you explain why your customer would be interested in what you are offering.
Immerse yourself in learning more about her. That is your final step in creating your dream customer.
For the purpose of this example, let’s say you named your dream customer Becky.
You need to put yourself in Becky’s shoes. Ask yourself: “What is Becky wondering right now?”
Becky probably has a lot on her mind and needs some guidance.
What is it that she wants to know about a specific industry, niche, service, or product?
What keeps her up at night?
There are likely things she thinks about every morning when she wakes up and any moment she has some down time.
What are those things?
Remember, this is YOUR dream customer so you can answer all of these questions.
Once you have it all written down: what do you do with that information?
You can offer something that can help her. That is why we all do this, right? To make a difference in the lives of those around us.
Now it is time for the research to begin! Do this legwork upfront to create your dream customer and you will successfully build a list to grow your business.
Make sure you understand the lifestyle, habits, behavior, and interests of your dream customer. Once you do this, you are opening yourself (and your business) up to a whole plethora of opportunities to become the best in what you do!
If you want to learn more about finding your target market to build your email list, you can learn more here: