I am so excited to be coming to you from my sisters place in Texas where I just got to meet my new niece. She joined us just 6 days ago!
It got me thinking ….
We’re all pretty used to nurturing a baby for 9 month before we get to see them.
But how would you feel about nurturing a client relationship for as long as it takes to grow a living baby inside you?!
Do you think you could do it?
Today I want to help you see why’d you want to do that and how to do it with Dream 100 Nurture Process.
It’s something that I think is going to be a huge and important valuable lesson for a lot of you – no matter what type of business you have.
So… what or “who” is the Dream 100?
For those of you are wondering, the Dream 100 is a simple but brilliant concept first introduced by Chet Holmes. It’s something literally any business can benefit from.
Yes …. ANY business! (even yours!)
So no matter what kind of business you have …. big, small, B2B, B2C, service-based, product-based – WHATever … you want to be thinking about who would be on your Dream 100 list.
The Dream 100 is a list of 100 dream-people or businesses that could benefit from your product, service, or offer. There are usually 3 types of people you’d put on your list:
- Businesses who’s audiences could benefit from what you do
- Businesses who would be your absolute dream clients
- Or a business who fits both of the above.
Really think about who you would like to advertise to and what communities would be interested in what you do.
Ask yourself > “Is there a business that would really benefit from sharing your offer and/or has a big following of people who would benefit from it?”
A good rule of thumb is to fill your Dream 100 with people and businesses who have an audience that is similar to the audience you want to attract – without it being directly competitive.
How do you get the attention of people on your Dream 100 list?
Sometimes, when we think about these people we can wonder how to get their attention. It can be a little bit scary. Overwhelming even!
One of the things that I’ve tried the last few years that has worked for me is really trying to figure out where they’re at by asking myself questions like this:
- What is their life like?
- What is their business like?
- What are their pain points?
- What are their frustrations?
- What gets them stressed?
- Where do they run out of time?
Then once I have an idea about all of those, seriously ask myself:
- how I can simplify things and make their business flow faster and easier?
- What can I do to support them and serve them?
It’s a little bit of a crazy way to think about it. Right!
And if you’re wondering how that applies to you I want to tell you about Keith, and what he did for me.
…. Because it’s so, so smart!
This is what Keith did for me…
I think the first step is to REALLY consider those people on your Dream 100 list. They probably have really big followings and you might even want to advertise to the lists and communities that they have spent years growing and nurturing.
I know I keep saying this, but it’s really important! Knowing what you can do for them is pretty much your first step.
Keith did that.
And when he contacted me to serve me with SEO I actually said no. His reputation is great so it wasn’t that. But because he’s so good, his services are crazy expensive. And honestly, it’s not really something I’m looking to do right now.
But here’s what he said to me – which surprised me SO much!
…“I’m comfortable with the long haul”.
And he really is!
He literally spends 9 months on average nurturing people before getting them as a client.
… That’s how he got people like Dr. Axe and Dave Ramsey as clients!
It literally takes him as long to nurture a relationship as it does to cook a living baby inside your belly!
Which, when you think about it, is insane! Especially when most people give up after the first week or even first call!
At first I didn’t believe what he said he was giving me
When I wasn’t ready to commit he came to me and offered to do my SEO Cleanup for FREE.
Honestly, I didn’t believe him because seriously, no one does anything for free. I had to get him to explain what that looks like and meant because I didn’t want to get stuck paying for SOMEthing I wasn’t expecting.
I was totally amazed when he said that he knew the value of building a relationship and serving with value first. And that’s why he wanted to give this to me for free – with (literally) no strings attached!
He also said that if I saw the value he’d be happy whether I wanted to work with him in a month or year. And if I never did, he was fine with that too!
He just wanted to provide value to me.
I was literally sitting there thinking “OhMYgosh! NObody does that!”
It was really powerful for me to see what it’s like when someone goes really deep into that “give give give” mentality with their Dream 100. It’s amazing how giving, then expecting nothing in return makes amazing and beautiful things pop open.
Can you guess what happened?
When he made that offer and was super genuine about it, guess what it makes me want to do?!
Now, whenever anyone I hear of asks about SEO Keith is the first person I recommend.
I want you to know that you can do the same thing too!
For a Dream 100 or the right business I’ve done social media strategy calls and have mapped-out tons of value up-front.
It always works! And that’s because it makes you seem different.
People can feel that you genuinely care about them and want to make their lives easier.
This is something you can start doing right now!
This really, really works and is such a powerful way to grow your business!
These are the questions to ask yourself:
- Who do I want to work with?
- Who’s audience do I want to get in front of, which is similar to mine (without being directly competitive)?
- How can I make their life easier?
Looking at it like that is so different than “how do I hook-them-in a with a free offer to win them over?”.
… and that difference is something people can actually feel.
Keith really did a great job of that which is why …..
…..Guess who I’ll be calling when it’s Go-time for SEO?
It’s so amazing to me because I know that when I’m really ready to start doing a massive SEO-push, I know that I’ll be calling up Keith saying “It’s Go-time Keith!”.
The Nurture Dream 100 Approach Is SO Powerful – Are You Ready For It?
I wanted to share this with you guys because I know that it’s so easy to get discouraged about what does and does not happen in a week, or even month.
When Keith said that he nurtures people for an average of 9 months I thought “that is so brilliant” considering how quickly most of us give up.
So seriously…
What do you think would happen if we were prepared to nurture a relationship for as long as we nurture a living being inside of our bodies?!
It’s such a cool way to think about it!
If you want to learn more about ways to find clients, check out my 80 Ways to Find a Client: https://rachelpedersen.clickfunnels.com/80-ways