“Start a social media community” they said. “It will be fun” they said.
The craziest part about this whole adventure? They were right.
But it’s not just fun… I’ve learned so much through the process.
- Beautiful graphics. I can’t stress this enough.
- People love to be asked questions that hit on their pain points and emotional triggers. “What do you LOVE about ______?” “Tell me about the most frustrating part of ________.” “Pick 3 tools you can’t live without.”
- You need to be present. This applies to memberships, paid subscriptions, newsletters, or communities.
- Deliver value! Find the latest information, and share it in an easy to understand format.
- Respond to questions in a timely manner. This will create raving fans within your community.
I’ve been loving the experience, as well as the value my beginners AND experts bring to the community.
Anyone wanting to learn more about social media marketing is invited to enjoy this free resource. Ask your questions. Get answers. And have a little fun in the meantime.
Check it out here: www.becomeasocialmediamarketer.com.
I look forward to seeing you there!