Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a burning desire to create something new and you even think that this will be the best idea you have had to date?
And it becomes fun and exciting to daydream about your greatest idea ever.
You get pumped and start imagining how this new dream will play out.
You even think that this idea will be the greatest breakthrough of all time and will solve all of your problems.
For me it is a yoga pants line and I get so excited for these yoga pants. It is so fun thinking about how I am going to create and design them.
This is totally random, right?
But there is a problem.
Is this new idea really inline with my current goals?
Does this new idea fit where I am in life?
Because if not, this is just shiny object syndrome.
It looks pretty, it is exciting, it is fun, and extremely desirable.
But really, it is all just a big distraction from our goals and from the reality right in front of us.
So let me put this bluntly.
Everytime you consider a new possibility instead of staying with the exact plan you have in place in front of you, you are actually saying no to the possibility of success.
You are actually saying no to your dreams.
It is a distraction and ability to never have to give your all because we are all afraid of failing.
You are letting your fears, inner demons and insecurities overcome you.
In order to move forward, to be successful, and to reach our goals we need to work through our own personal crap and shortcomings.
That is why it is so tempting to jump on a new idea.
And that is why shiny object syndrome is so dangerous and let me explain why.
It is keeping you from pushing through to a new level of breakthrough, development, and progress.
It can become a pattern in your life that you start to discover that all of these shiny objects are stopping you from reaching your fullest potential.
Because what we really want is stable, long term and empires!
We want to be successful, we want to change the world but we can’t do that when we keep saying yes to all of the shiny objects in front of us.
And the biggest way to get rid of them, is simply by saying no, and stop saying yes to all the things.
Because there is nothing more satisfying than hunkering down and honoring a commitment we made to ourselves and to stay on the path that we have in front of us.
And if we stay the course and work through our limiting beliefs, our own personal crap, our own failures, and our shortcomings, we will reach the next level in our business and our own lives.
So stay the course, trudge through the hard stuff because you are right there.
If you need a little extra support on the journey, you’re invited to apply for my coaching and mentorship: www.cliqueforlife.com