What do Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, and I (a social media manager) have in common?
Well, it’s NOT that we all make millions – I certainly haven’t yet.
It’s not that we all drive exotic cars – I don’t drive a Lambo.
And it’s definitely not having massive list sizes – my list is under 5000 at the time of writing this!
So how did a Social Media Manager end up on a list with power-players?
Social Media Managers have super-powers.
I’m 100% serious.
This is coming from firsthand experience and experimentation… As well as real life implementation.
SMMs have the ability to grow massive followings that are engaged, excited to purchase your offers, and loyal – sharing your products with friends and family. They can make content go viral, grow your list, and make your brand the homecoming queen within your industry.
So I asked the top social media managers to share exactly WHY social media managers are so powerful – and what they can do for anyone’s brand (and if you want to work with one of them – you can fill out an application HERE to be matched up with one!).
Why are Social Media Managers SO Powerful?! Top Social Media Managers Weigh in on Their Superpowers…
“Because… the money is NOT in the list but in the CULT-ure!” – Sam Hodgett
“Because SMMs have connections and know how to talk to people.” – Kasey Pierce
“Because social media managers SHARE strategically and build REAL relationships!” – Natalie Gallagher
“Because relationships matter!!” – Chichi E Eruchalu
“SMMs can spread the word, they have built relationships and can strategically build a movement.” – Liann Alfaro
“Because SMMs know how strategically build an impactful movement!!” – Jessica Niezgoda
“We know how to spread awareness and build relationships AND make people care.” – Sophie Tatton
“Because they have a tribe and get them fired up to support! – Patti Pestana
“Because SMM have to be experts in all fields of the digital and psychological world of marketing.” – Stephanie Falkner
“Because our big strategy is to be social.” – Cha Trinsi
“Because SMMs are ruling the world.” – Kathy Cruz
“Because if you don’t know social media marketing then you really don’t know marketing.” – Jendrick Hance
“Because SMMs get things done!” – Karen George
Basically… Social Media Managers are a powerful extension of your company – and I’d love to connect you with one of my top SMM students! You can be connected with an SMM that is perfect for you by applying to be matched HERE.