We’ve all been there. Not staying consistent. When this happens we can let ourselves or others down. It’s not a good feeling. So how do we change that?
Well I’ve got something for you that can change the trajectory of your next year.
My word for 2020 is thoroughbred. Why? It’s because a horse that has been bred through generations to make something great. They are bred to have attributes of peak performance horses.
I am in my 4th year of my business and throughout the years I have seen people drop off, switch careers, give up, or choose the easier route. It turns into a field of business casualties.Now in my 4th year many of my competition gave up!I didn’t have to be the best in order for this to happen. I always want to keep growing my skill set and keep getting better. It’s because of this that I feel called to strive to be the best.
Bottom line: You just have to keep going and not give up. You’ll outlast most of the competition.
Here’s how to accomplish the bottom line:
- Stop Dabbling!
Finishing what is right in front of you is the very first step! Stop jumping from project to project. By accomplishing one task at a time lots can get done!
You don’t need that shiny object in front of you just because you’re bored of the old thing.
There’s a path in front of you that you know you’re meant to travel but you alone are responsible for making sure that YOU finish it!
The tough part is, once feelings of excitement settle are you disciplined? Finishing things through to completion is where discipline and perseverance create TRUE character growth.
- Completion- Testing Your Skills and Stamina
People will say “ I can’t handle it” or “this is too much”. Don’t let that be YOU.
I’ve read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. The book mentions a story about a man who buys a ton of equipment to dig for gold. Over time he keeps digging and digging. He becomes frustrated because the gold is nowhere to be found. After finally digging so many feet, the man gives up thinking there is no gold. Someone else saw the opportunity and asked to buy his equipment off of him. The man who bought the equipment then took over where his counterpart left off and 3 feet later he found a massive amount of gold. True story.
The gold comes from staying the course.
Don’t let someone else take the work you’ve done from you. Stick with it! This is what will shape you.
- Pressure Is Imaginary
Change how you view it, instead of viewing it as a crushing overwhelming thing, view it as this is when your character and excellence is going to be defined.
My friend Alex once shared a powerful story, he was speaking about mountain climbers. He described how mountain climbers are people who push through their own limitations. The lack of oxygen is challenging, even if you train. He said building a business is just like this, at any point you get to decide when you stop climbing the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain it’s easy to breathe. If you choose to keep climbing you grow your skill set ,you gain endurance and develop strength. It’s a choice. This is one of my favorite concepts to continue to grow past when everyone else gives up.
- Marry Your Business
Want to know something crazy about passion? It’s great in the beginning because it’s exciting. But just because the passion is gone, doesn’t mean it doesn’t come back or that long lasting love can’t take its place.
Think of your business as a marriage, just because the rush is gone, doesn’t mean you have to give up. Stop dabbling. Go hard. Gold is in them hills!
If your market feels too saturated, stay the course, give it a year. Other people give up, the competition will take themselves down. But you, you’re going to say “Let’s keep going. I’m committed. I’m going to find the gold.”
What does it look like when you’re all in? Picture that, become a thoroughbred. You were made for this, you can withstand the pressure. You have massive capacity to take on big things. You’ve come this far…the gold is only 3 feet away.
If you want to learn more about the next level in your business, you may be ready for The Social Clique: www.cliqueforlife.com