Facebook and Instagram have been ruling the social media game for a long time but now another social media platform is rising on the scene known as TikTok.
What is this TikTok, you ask?!
If you haven’t heard by now, it’s a social media platform that allows you to create a video then add in special effects.
You have endless ways to express your creativity through lip-syncing and music. The other platforms are limited compared to what TikTok can do with video.
Yes.. you heard that right, nothing but video. Don’t let that scare you! I am sure you’re wondering, is this for me?!
I fell in love with TikTok because it was real and raw. You’re able to do something in one take and if it wasn’t perfect, that was totally fine. Expert video editing is not required!
It’s common when you’re scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram, everything is picture perfect. People tend to only show the happy moments paired with the perfect caption. Followers are starting to notice the lack of authenticity. None of that applies with TikTok.
TikTok is refreshing because you don’t have to be perfect, you can laugh at yourself and have fun with it. If I make a mistake, I am going to stay true to who I am and also to the culture of TikTok and just keep on going.
It may not seem as professional as Facebook but it gives your followers another side of you and your brand. You can show off your quirky side and explore new ways to target your audience.
It’s time to let loose and give TikTok a shot. We don’t have perfectly polished videos all the time. No photoshop is required so Instagram content isn’t going to work here. TikTok is a completely different environment.
But how can I use it for my brand? That’s the fun part!
Chipotle mastered TikTok by creating a dance challenge using hashtag #GuacDance. They received 250,000 video submissions and 430 million video starts. Chipotle’s avocado usage jumped 68% to 18,500 cases of fruit for National Avocado Day. If they can blow up an avocado, imagine what you can do with your products!
If you are on the more serious side, take a note from the Washington Post. Their videos feature their staff and they engage with their target audience. They are able to add humor to the stressful political world.
The NBA also knows how to play the game with a following of over 5.5 million! They keep users interested with game highlights and music montages making their athletes more relatable.
Now that you have learned what TikTok is and why you should be using it, are you ready to make the leap? There are over 800 million monthly users waiting to see what you got!
If you want to know more about how you can use TikTok to expand your business, here are several resources for you:
???? Learn more about TikTok with this free resource: https://www.tiktokstarterpack.com/free
???? Join my FREE TikTok training community: www.tiktokgrowthhacks.com ???? Follow me on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/XkDhUL/