I was speaking recently at an event and three things came to me:
- Time zones mess you up no matter where you are.
- There is a powerful difference between a community and a mentor, and why you should have both.
- When you surround yourself with the 1%, you get a reputation for being the best of the best.
Have you ever poured all your energy into something and then not have time to
When I was at this event, I poured my heart and soul into a training that was so well received, it made several participants cry. There is pure magic when you are training on something you love or are so passionate about.
However, when you couple that training with a time zone change, I was exhausted.
Not normal exhausted, but down to the bone tired.
I had to go to another event, with several of my closest friends and partners, but I
just didn’t have the energy. I forced myself to rest and then show up again the following morning to mentor my community.
When you have a mentor, they teach you about a certain topic.
Let’s take my friend, Stacey, for instance.
Say you are a member of her circle.
She teaches on a topic, but it isn’t something that you need right at that time.
So, you may only half listen and then think “this information isn’t for me right now,” so you dismiss the teaching.
Several months down the road, you are in the exact situation that Stacey taught about when you weren’t ready to receive the information.
But Stacey isn’t available.
Perhaps panic sets in.
When you have a mentor that is teaching you, supporting you and challenging you, you learn, but it may not resonate, because the time isn’t right for you at that moment.
This is where the community comes in.
With a community, you can overcome anything.
Because the community has gone through things you haven’t gone through and the mentor isn’t available, the community supports you. The community shares with you the things they have learned and their experiences when you need it most.
They step in when the mentor isn’t there.
So fast forward…
That first person that Stacey helped can now help the person needing support.
Based on what Stacey taught, that information is now being imparted when she isn’t there.
That is why the results of members of The Social Clique are so powerful.
They have a mentor and a community to support them 24/7.
When I’m not available, there is always someone there to lend a hand and provide the same type of information I teach. I am so thankful there are members that can step up and pinch-hit when I’m not there.
And as a result, the Clique has a reputation as being in the top 1% of service providers.
This reputation is backed up by the number of hires coming from the social clique to support high-end clients.
I was told …
“If I hire from the Social Clique, it is done right…”
“Rachel is teaching folks to be good, be talented, have integrity…”
“I hired this person because of Rachel’s recommendation…”
“Members of the social clique are in the top 1% of all providers out there…”
Once you get a 1% reputation – you become the go-to person for the type of service you provide.
But what happens if you aren’t sure you are in that 1%?
This is why having a mentor that can teach you what you need to know is paramount.
Having a community that can support you is critical.
Most people have a community or a mentor.
Isn’t it time you experience the power of both?
If you are ready to be a part of that top 1%, you might just be ready to apply for The Social Clique, my mentorship and community for freelancers looking to grow to six figures: www.cliqueforlife.com