Many thoughts visit our minds in the seconds. Thousands per day, but only few that we adopt. The problem is do we take this seriously enough? Do we underestimate how much power they have to shape us? How much they affect our lives?
Our Subconscious mind
We must know at first how the process is going on. Where do we adopt these thoughts?
Inside all of us, there is a secret basement, which is called the subconscious mind. A place where we keep the valuable moments in our lives. A lost moment of our first failure, our childhood fears which sometimes develops to a trauma or the taste of the feeling of success after millions of tries. We keep these thoughts in boxes and when we need them we open a specific box for the specific need and use the thought.
And by reusing that process, the thought evolves to a believe, a data that can be opened by Autopilot mode program.
Autopilot mode
How does that program work? when you say to yourself “Oh, here is a moment for the box,” so you open it one time… two, three. After numerous of times your subconscious mind will take this as a sign of you giving it the lead and so it will open the box automatically and you’ll react before even thinking.
As a simple example, when we open the TV or Netflix to watch our favorite sitcom and there’s a character that has a special move that s/he does as react to himself/ herself lying, getting angry, winning, etc. We’ll see the other characters tell him about that special move and he either denies or get surprised because s/he was doing it unintentionally without knowing that usual move.
And that’s the difference between who has discipline, someone that gives everything he’s got and NEVER let the thought of giving up come through his mind. While another who takes it sleazy, when things turn serious, giving up roots are deep in the self, the thought of giving it all becomes hard to pass the conscious mind. And sometimes, when it passes, we have a rejection or resistance of years of laziness.
So let me make it clear to you. What you think of more, growth bigger in you.
Each time you open a box, you confirm its thought and it becomes clearer to you. And that’s where comes the phrase of (Fake it till you make it), like the idea of affirmations, you say to yourself something you want to believe or a trait you want to have, but of course you need to take the action to plant it. Exercising for example, you sleep on bed all day but one morning a thought of going to the gym visits your mind and you find it hard to get up. So, to give yourself some power you go to the bathroom and look at the reflection of your eyes in the mirror repeating “I’m energetic.” with feelings to charge yourself with its power, then you go to the gym. Doing that one time after another and at some point you won’t need to look at the mirror, but if you just took a glance you’ll see yourself the energy itself.
(PS. Affirmations without feelings,faith and action are just empty words)
Law of Attraction
I’ll tell you a secret. Good thoughts attracts others to you. As what you focus on increases. Imagine your world as a garden, the green land surrounded by trees and a field with various of colorful flowers with its nice smell and you are the god, but in human shape walking and your thoughts are the ones that controls the garden. Every time a flower dies and you get angry, sad thinking why this is happening little by little more and more of the flowers will die. In the opposite hand, if you understood that death is normal and you have many other flowers, the garden will flourish more and more and that’s what is called the law of attraction. But to not misunderstand it, you don’t close your eyes, think of something then open them again and boom here it is. As Wayne Dyer said “You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”.
As an author and I love symbols, I think you already noticed that, I’ll make you imagine again. You’re a cell phone and the universe is the cell tower, your thoughts and imagination are the number of the thing you want, your feelings are the country key numbers and your action is pressing the call button. Without knowing the number that you want to call, how can you reach what you want?
Yes, without the action and feelings attraction can’t work so well, but I’m at the thoughts due to its importance as the first step. Absorb the thought like a sponge and everything will come to place.
Here I’ll give you the final shape of the law of attraction equation:-
Thoughts+ Feelings+ Action= Attraction
Now, to sum up, our own worlds are attracted and created by our actions, our decisions, which are made by our thoughts. Our thoughts shape us by what we saved in the past, what we wanted to keep by reusing it and making it part of our personalities, so they shape our realities as well. Control your thoughts and you’ll control your life, your own world. In Zazen practice, leave the backdoor of your mind open and when thoughts come, don’t serve them tea and let them go peacefully.
Written by Ahmed Oraby, Author and Spiritual Coach. An Egyptian author who published two books in Arabic. A Spiritual Coach and Reiki Practitioner passing level II. Has been studying spirituality for four years till now.