If you’re looking for a sign….
Okay, this is a little tough love.
I saw this comedic routine by Ellen DeGeneres where she was talking about people who believe in signs.
She knew one girl who was like “I’m looking for a sign that I should break up with my boyfriend… OH MY GOSH! There’s a tree! Trees have leaves. That is a sign I should LEAVE him.”
Ellen also joked that she always saw the number 11:11 on her clock everytime she looked at it. For her it meant that her clock was broken and she needed to replace the batteries.
I DO believe that signs are real, but more than anything, I believe we create our own signs, our own path, our own decisions.
Right now, you may be looking for a sign, and I would love to give you a MASSIVE blank billboard, a bucket of paint, and tell YOU to write your own dang message on the sign.
What does it say?
For many people that means it’s time to make a decision – to go all in.
What will that look like?
I’m not sure for you!
But what I do know is that we would love to support you with writing your own message, being your own inspiration, and creating your own sign