Let’s be honest – when rumours started circulating that Instagram was planning on removing their likes feature, I sighed a small sense of relief.
Yes, I know you’re all thinking it: “Doesn’t number of likes equate to traffic to your Instagram page which then further equates to your income aka livelihood?”
Yes, it absolutely does but on the flip side removing this feature would allow for me to be anti-perfect and curate content that speaks to my authentic self, rather than be constantly steered by the number of likes I receive per post.
While I wasn’t too eager to flip the script with my Instagram page, here comes TikTok – a social media platform that has no actual rules and definitely no expectations for me to curate perfectly polished content.
What does TikTok bring to the social media platform and community?
- Anti-perfection
- Authentic
- Real
- Refreshing and
- Raw
What does TikTok instill in me?
Allowing me to create domino content without holding myself back. My domino content is creating videos which I am passionate about. With TikTok nothing is going to be perfect and I can simply hit the record button and create content that is imperfect as myself while staying true and authentic to who I am and my brand.
How can I help YOU get a headstart on incorporating TikTok into your brand/company?
I have recently launched tons of resources for those interested in early adaptation of TikTok.
Let’s be more authentic and real while having fun on this platform to market our brand and businesses.
Let me help you, help yourself take your brand and business to the next level.
Unapologetically raw & authentic and most importantly: Anti-perfect.
Come on over and join us:
???? Learn more about TikTok with this free resource: https://www.tiktokstarterpack.com/free
???? Join my FREE TikTok training community: www.tiktokgrowthhacks.com ???? Follow me on TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/XkDhUL/