Imagine this.
It’s a Friday night. You’re in a party.
You’ve met someone. You two talked. Time passed.
You’re starting to like this other person. It’s because you’re both sensing a lot of value from your conversation.
And of course, this person asked for your number. Without thinking twice, you gave yours and did the same.
You had coffee together, went on a few dates and this continued for quite a long time.
It was a typical relationship timeline: Date > Dating > Marriage (it did get that serious)
You get the point.
Have you ever noticed the similarities between generating leads, whatever your chosen medium is — emails, ads, lead magnets, LinkedIn, or even in-person events and…are you ready for this?
Giving out your number to someone you’re interested with is just like giving out your email address (sometimes, your name, phone number, FB name and even your Tiktok username too) to a business or service provider that offers great Value and solves your pain point.
Receiving one email from the business/service provider and the recipient reading it out is just like starting to date.
A few more emails is similar to the ‘dating’ stage
Nurturing the relationship by going out for coffee or a drink, having more conversations or date nights, is the same thing as receiving and reading ‘nurturing emails’.
See the timeline?
Get the email address = Yes to dating you
Receive the first email = Dating stage
Read intro emails = Keep Dating
Receive nurture-automated emails = Nurturing the Relationship
You get the gist, right?
Now, let’s get down to business.
Even before the lead subscribes to your emails by opting in to a lead magnet, it’s a must to have your systems in place.
Write all your emails first. I use Google Doc when writing my email drafts. This works for me but there are a couple other apps that work just fine: Evernote and the ever reliable Notepad to name a few.
Here’s a list of 5 emails you should write to nurture your leads.
*These emails should be sent before leads are passed on to the email list.
Email 1: Here’s Who I Am – introduce your Brand
Email 2: Here’s Why it Matters to You – what are the benefits of your products/services? What’s in it for them?
Email 3: Here’s the Backstory – include a story or a quote. This makes the tone more personal and relatable
Email 4: Here are the Options – lay the ground for whatever services or products you’re offering and emphasize what its benefits are
Email 5: Here’s the Next Step – move them to the next step. It may be a sale, an event attendance , a paid consultation or a coaching call
Once you get past email writing, everything will be much easier. I promise!
After getting all your emails ready, what’s the next step?
Two Words.
Email Automation
Email automation allows you to create drip campaigns and nurture your leads without having to send it out to subscribers manually. I have listed the 5 initial emails in Tip #1.
Here’s a list of email marketing platforms:
- Active Campaign –
Active Campaign is my personal favorite. Please note that choosing an email platform depends on you and of course, your business needs. - Mailchimp –
- Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) –
- AWeber –
- Actionetics –
Each platform is unique and has its own cool features. Choose which will fit your email marketing goals.
Remember. Date your email list!
Dive on in!
If you want to learn more about writing emails, you can learn more here: